New Era Superintendents: Leading a Transformation in Education

Who We Are

New Era Superintendents is a rapidly expanding national network of education leaders dedicated to a singular, transformative mission: ensuring that every student attains proficiency in reading and math. With over 80 superintendents across 23 states, representing districts with a combined enrollment of more than 800,000 students, our collective commitment is reshaping the education landscape.

Our Mission and Values

At New Era Superintendents, our mission is simple yet profound: to do whatever it takes to deliver proficiency in reading and math to all students. This mission is grounded in a steadfast dedication to academic success, reflecting our belief that academic achievement is the gateway to a lifetime of opportunities. We hold that all students, regardless of heritage, history, or socioeconomic background, can succeed when given the right support and opportunities.

Ethos: The Foundation of Our Commitment

Our ethos is built on three key premises:

  1. Academic Excellence Equals Life Opportunities: The best way to deliver life opportunities to students is by enabling them to excel academically, particularly in core subjects of math and reading.

  2. Measurable Success: Student success is inherently tied to measurable academic achievements, which in turn translate into broader opportunities and accomplishments in life.

  3. Equality of Opportunity and Empowerment for All: Every student, irrespective of their background, deserves the chance to succeed. Prioritizing academic success for each student exemplifies true empowerment, paving the way for a new era of opportunities.

Key Programs and Initiatives

New Era Superintendents is not just about vision, but action. Here are some of our key programs and initiatives designed to foster academic proficiency:

Proficiency in Core Academic Areas

Our primary focus is on ensuring students achieve proficiency in math and reading. We support rigorous, evidence-based teaching methods, and ongoing professional development for educators to ensure they are equipped with the latest strategies and tools.

Collaborative Leadership Development

We believe in the power of collective leadership. Our members engage in continuous professional learning communities where they share insights, strategies, and innovations. This collaboration fosters a supportive environment where leaders can grow and succeed together.

Disruptive Innovation

New Era Superintendents embraces disruptive innovation to drive meaningful change. We encourage creative, out-of-the-box thinking and are willing to take calculated risks to improve educational outcomes. Our initiatives often serve as pilot programs that, upon success, can be scaled across more districts.

Partnerships and Resources

We partner with organizations that share our commitment to academic excellence. These partnerships provide our members with access to resources, technology, and solutions that enhance their capacity to improve student outcomes.

Get Involved

For Education Leaders

If you are a district-level education leader who shares our vision, we invite you to join our growing network. Membership in New Era Superintendents offers numerous benefits, including access to a vibrant community of like-minded leaders, professional development opportunities, and the ability to contribute to pioneering initiatives that make a real difference.

For EdTech Solutions Providers

Educators play a crucial role in achieving our mission. By joining forces with New Era Superintendents, our EdTech partners can participate in professional learning communities, gain access to cutting-edge conversations and decisions, and be part of a movement that is making a tangible impact on student success.

For Stakeholders

Parents, community members, and other stakeholders are vital to increasing achievement for all students. New Era’s members are district leaders who advocate for policies and practices that not only prioritize academic proficiency, but also the involvement of a community-wide supportive environment that works together to ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed.

Voices of Impact

“Prior to becoming a member of New Era Superintendents, I was already an active member of several national leadership associations. New Era Superintendents has become an indispensable addition to my association memberships because of its crystal clear, dedicated focus on academic achievement and its embrace of creativity, disruptive innovation, mutual leadership support, and action. The New Era community is creating brighter futures for all students by improving their immediate opportunities for academic achievement, and I encourage all superintendents to join us in this quest through membership in the visionary leadership group.” 
—Dr. Quintin Shepherd, Superintendent, Pflugerville ISD, Pflugerville, Texas

The New Era Story

New Era Superintendents was sparked by a powerful question: What if all decisions and priorities in a school district were guided by the principle of ensuring students become proficient in math and reading? This question led to the formation of a community of superintendents dedicated to transformative leadership and academic excellence.

“Whatever it Takes”

In the face of numerous challenges and shifting priorities in education, New Era Superintendents stands firm in our belief that student success in core academic areas is paramount. We invite all educational leaders, educators, and stakeholders to join us in our mission to do whatever it takes to deliver proficiency in reading and math to all students. Together, we can create a brighter future for all students, ensuring that they have the best possible opportunities to succeed in life. 

For more information on membership, partnership, or sponsorship, email our team at today. 


How Academic Success Leads to Brighter Life Opportunities