Stephen Murley
Academic Research Advisor

Art Jureller
Partnership Development

Daniel E. Kinnaman
Founder Emeritus

Meet The New Era Team

Dr. A. Katrise Perera

Kristen Plemon
Senior Advisor & Strategic Communications Specialist

Matt Kinnaman
Founder & President

Ingrid Ellerbe
Achievement Advisory Council

JD Solomon
Editorial Director

Cassandra Ruff
Director of Operations

Kathy Hurley
Senior Advisor

Niquelle Cotton
Strategic Partnerships

Dr. Randall Collins
New Era Senior Fellow

We are a community of leaders

We are disciplined about doing what’s best for all learners, regardless of prevailing politics or establishment buzz.

We are willing to take leadership risks, whatever it takes so that more students from all walks of life than ever before have the best possible shot at achieving academic excellence across all core areas.

We are action-oriented and committed to disruptive innovation that generates use cases that can be scaled.


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